Sovereign Extinguishing protect the KFC Restaurant in Torquay

When a recent Risk Assessment was carried out of the KFC restaurant in Torquay, it was highlighted that the kitchen did not have any Fire Suppression fitted. Due to its location on the main shopping street and the fact that there are retail premises above the restaurant, it meant that Kitchen Fire Suppression was almost a no-brainer, not only to protect the restaurant’s staff members and premises, but to protect the wider building from a catastrophic loss.

The ANSUL R102 system was selected to be fitted (click here for info on ANSUL). As the market leader, it uses their Ansulex fluid to suppress fire.

As they use “Henny Penny” type and conventional well fryers, the fire risk and therefore the system required was quite large – as calculated by the ANSUL system designer – and the system was designed, and drawings sent to the customer before implementation. The system was of course designed to spray Ansulex fluid at all of the cooking equipment, into the extraction canopy plenum area and also its extraction spigots.

As initially suspected, the restaurant has long operating hours, and only one option was available for installation – night shifts. The installation engineers were given access from 10pm at night until 8am the next morning, and after 4-night shifts, the install was complete and commissioned. All of the necessary regs and COVID guidelines were adhered to.

The system was fitted in the night and came in on budget and was completed on time and is now in active service – protecting the diners and shoppers of Torquay.

Another example where Sovereign Extinguishing have overcome issues to make for a successful project.

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