Gas, Water and Chemical Fire Suppression: Which is More Effective?

Did you know a typical fire can double in size every 30 seconds? As a result, your knowledge of stopping a fire is crucial and you need to know whether to use gas, water, or chemicals. But how do you know which method is most effective? If you keep reading, we’ll guide you through the different techniques and explain which ones are best for each potential situation.

If you need help with fire and security, we, Sovereign Fire & Security, are here to guide you. Our mission is to prioritise your safety and well-being. We offer comprehensive solutions for Southwest England and beyond, including state-of-the-art fire suppression systems and third-party audits and installations. All our services follow the UK’s fire escape regulations.

Our experienced team ensures that all your fire systems meet industry standards. We also provide ongoing maintenance and testing to make sure everything works properly. With our expertise and commitment to safety, we aim to give you complete peace of mind. So, trust us to keep you and your surroundings safe and protected.

Water Mist vs Chemical Agents: Which should I Use?

Water Mist

Water mist extinguishers are great for suppressing fires involving regular materials like wood and paper (class A fires) or some flammable liquids (class B fires). It works by spraying tiny droplets of water at the flames to stop them burning and reduce the heat needed. Because it’s a mist, this method covers the whole fire, as it disperses into hard-to-reach areas when used. Extinguishing the entire region means a reduced chance of reignition once the fire appears to be out. Water mist is also non-toxic, minimising harm to users.

Chemical Agents

On the other hand, chemical agents can extinguish class A and B fires and flammable gas fires (class C), making them more versatile than water mist extinguishers. If you’re dealing with a raging fire, also use chemical agents since they’re more potent than water mist extinguishers.

Chemical agents consist of foam or dry powder. These extinguishers contain the burning process by interrupting the chemical reactions that keep fires going. For example, foam extinguishers create an air barrier, smothering the fire from its oxygen supply and putting it out. Dry chemical powders disrupt the fire at a molecular level, interfering with the fire’s chain reaction to keep burning.

Though chemical agents are versatile and practical, they can harm people and the environment. As a result, they’re not the best choice in places with lots of people. As a result, you should first use water mist, then chemical agents for situations like class C or more aggressive fires.

Inert Gas vs Chemical Agent: Which should I Use?

Inert gas systems, like chemical agents, can extinguish class A, B or C fires. This method includes gases like nitrogen and argon, which reduces the amount of oxygen the fire can use. This oxygen displacement starves the fire and makes it difficult to ignite or keep burning. If you have valuable equipment or invaluable assets, this method is extra effective as it leaves no mess behind. For example, data centres and museums benefit because inert gas systems minimise damage done to surrounding objects. Further, using inert gases is safer for those around you.

On the other hand, as mentioned above, chemical agents leave a residue that can harm humans. That said, inert gases aren’t entirely safe. With the ability to reduce oxygen in the air, there’s a risk of asphyxiation for the occupants in its surrounding space. Chemical agents can also cool the fire down with its liquid element, unlike inert gases, which don’t actively reduce the temperature of the fire. If it’s a scorching fire, it could reignite after using the inert gas suppression system. Inert gas systems are also less environmentally friendly, require a lot of effort to install, and need regular maintenance.

Which Fire Suppression Method is Most Economical?

Water mist is the most affordable option. The extinguishers are inexpensive to install and simple and less dear to maintain. Their systems can tap into existing water sources, removing the need for extensive plumbing work and making refills affordable. And training users is simple, making it an inexpensive option for implementation. That said, water mist can damage sensitive equipment or materials, which could mean a more significant overall cost based on the scenario.

Chemical agents have a moderate upfront cost. Their overall pricing depends on which you select. For example, dry chemical agents come out much less expensive than halocarbon. Chemical agents usually need more maintenance than water extinguishers because of the chemicals involved in their usage, which an expert must check. While more costly than water extinguishers, their ability to stop lots of different fires might make the initial price worth it.

Inert gas systems are the costliest. They need unique containers for the gases and are complex to install. They require specialised equipment like high-pressure cylinders or discharge nozzles and expert knowledge, boosting the price tag and making maintenance more expensive. That said, they leave no residue, which can save precious assets from damage and lead to overall savings.

Which is most effective Fire Suppression method?

Water mist shines for class A and some B fires as a cost-effective and straightforward solution. For adaptability, maximum effectiveness against fires, and moderate costs, chemical agents are our recommended choice. And if you need to safeguard sensitive equipment with decent adaptability, you can opt for inert gas systems for a premium price tag.

Choosing the optimal fire suppression method needs scrutiny of fire risks, space, and financial goals.

If you need help, from choosing the best extinguishers tailored to your premises to installation and maintenance, look no further than Sovereign Fire and Safety. With years of expertise, we are a reliable choice for keeping up with regulations and making fire safety as simple as possible.

Click here to contact us today and receive detailed guidance on how to boost your fire safety practices.

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How Sovereign Extinguishing Can Help You Improve Fire Safety

Care homes have many considerations when it comes to fire safety. The size of care home facilities and the amount of fire risks present create a high potential for outbreaks so it’s paramount that adequate fire safety systems are in place.

Sovereign Extinguishing provides installation, maintenance and assessment services for any property – private or commercial. Get in contact to find out how we can help you create a safer environment for your care home facility.

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