Case Studies

Financial Consultants Office

Case Study: Financial Consultants Office

As with most businesses these days, a great deal of their operating ability is directly dependent on their I.T systems – and they realised that this is a real risk to their business continuity should a fire break out in their Data Centre – potentially disabling their business for a significant amount of time. Something had to be done to mitigate the business continuity risk, and a Gas Fire Suppression system was the ideal protection that they needed.

The business has grown and evolved over a number of years and their building Data Centre is a collection of 4 x smaller spaces that have morphed into one over time, which while completely fit for purpose, it is a bit of a nightmare when it comes to installing Fire Suppression.

NOVEC 1230® was selected as the extinguishant agent due to its space efficiency, and one cylinder was installed containing 85kg of agent from Johnson Controls. Our design department had quite a job on their hands making sure that the NOVEC could be delivered into the 4 x spaces by the discharge pipework and nozzles at the correct concentrations, making sure that we adhered to the Johnson Controls’ design manual.

A smoke detection and actuation system was designed and installed to make sure that the NOVEC 1230® was deployed if required, together with annunciation – all of course adhering to current regulations and guidelines. Again this had to be looked at carefully to make sure that we effectively covered all 4 x spaces.

The system was fully commissioned, Room Integrity Test was performed and the customer trained in its use.

The system was left in active service protecting the Data Centre.

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