Domestic Sprinkler Systems

Are they the Correct Solution for Domestic Properties?

For a long time, when you think of property fire protection systems, then sprinklers really were the only option for an automatic – heat triggered – system to fight fires, but is it a sledgehammer to crack a nut in a domestic setting?

Sprinklers are of course a brilliant solution, and have no doubt saved countless lives and monetary value, but things have moved on a little in the last century or so that they have been around, and advances in technology have led to the development of other systems that are based on similar principles but provide much more sophisticated and directed fire cover.

Disadvantages of Sprinkler Systems for Domestic Properties

Sprinklers can be a brilliant solution in large industrial and commercial settings, but for domestic settings they present a few issues to overcome. The main issue with sprinkler systems is the volume of water that they use when operated (usually around 60 litres / minute / head), which for a domestic setting presents the following challenges –

  • Large volumes of water discharged through a sprinkler system leave a huge clear-up post discharge – in an industrial or commercial setting this may have fell onto a factory or warehouse floor which with the right kit is relatively easy to clean-up. There may be some collateral damage to fixtures and fittings, but on the whole clean-up should be fairly quick and easy to do. In a domestic setting, however, this water damage would most probably be devastating – even leading to plasterboard, wiring and room structure damage, and possibly the floors below it with the water running through (massive issue in multi-occupancy buildings, as you are damaging other people’s homes.)
  • A large volume of water needs a large space for it to be stored in, so think about large tanks with large footprints and lots of wasted space that could be used for living in.
  • Maintenance – There are normally at least two sprinkler pumps to consider, that need testing and servicing regularly. These will probably need 3-phase power which might not be available in a domestic setting.
  • Possible false activations – Traditional sprinkler heads use a single knock activation, so when the red tube in the sprinkler is broken, it will flow until a responsible person turns off the water supply or the water storage tank is empty.

Water Mist, an Alternative to Sprinkler Systems

So in an ideal world, for a domestic property, the volume of water used should be massively reduced (read our blog on Water Mist systems). The effectiveness of using Water Mist instead of sprinklers in fire-fighting is proven, with the amount of water volume decreasing by around 90% (Water Mist heads use about 6 lpm whereas sprinklers use about 60 lpm), however traditional industrial Water Mist equipment is large, cumbersome and ugly – which doesn’t lend itself to tidy domestic installations.

The other matter to consider is the water used. As Water Mist systems still need a source of stored water (be it in cylinders, or in a tank), there are storage issues in domestic properties as precious space has to be given up to the footprint of water storage.

What would be ideal is a Water Mist system that will run from the water main, so no water storage is necessary. Let us introduce the Plumis Automist…

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